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MORNING CEU WORKSHOPS: 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 15 Partners, Affiliates, Friends: Managing Special Interest Groups 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Michael Clark, Executive Director, Batavia Park District Chair: Heather Weishaar, IPRA Your agency wants to be everything to everyone. However, tight budgets, limited resources and heavier demand no longer makes this a possibility. The PAF Program will help your agency become an important part of the community. 104 Comprehensive Planning: A Political Tool 8:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Roger Dahlstrom, Ph.D.,Northern Illinois University; Sandra Hupp, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Illinois State University Chair: David Emanuelson, Aurora University, George Williams Campus Comprehensive planning is necessary to secure federal and state funding, but did you know there are other benefits? Parks and recreation agencies can use the planning process to identify the needs of their constituents, and by their direct participation in the planning process, parks and recreation professionals can learn to build positive relationships with key community members. These relationships may be used to set the table for successful referenda or other important ventures. www.ilparks.org September/October 2005 29 MORNING CEU WORKSHOPS: 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 109 Orientation to the Grant Seeking Process and Funding Research 8:45 a.m. -10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Joanne Kepks, Outreach Specialist, The Foundation Center Chair: John Comerio, IAPD Help us help you. Are you the representative of a nonprofit organization? Are you new to fundraising? Want to know more about Foundation Center resources? Need a refresher in the funding research process? This session will be presented in four parts: (1) Building a credible nonprofit organization; (2) Understanding the world of philanthropy; (3) The process of grant seeking; (4) Grant seeking resources. You don't want to miss this session. 116 Unions are Coming. What Are You Going To Do? 8:45 a.m. -10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Dean Bostrom, Executive Director, Hoffman Estates Park District; Keri-Lynn Krafthefer, Attorney, Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Rolek, P.C. Chair: Dean Bostrom, Hoffman Estates Park District Local labor unions have targeted and are aggressively pursuing a largely untapped public sector market. Park districts need to understand the implications and strategies in dealing with unions. 127 Sustainable Funding for Your Mission 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Tammy Zonker, Raising More Money Chair: Sue McGovern, IAPD This fast-paced session will introduce you to a systematic model for building sustainable funding for your mission and leave you with a new way of thinking about raising money from individuals. 203 Writing Fundraising Letters that Get Results 8:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Presenters: Jodi Rudick, Advisors Marketing Chair: Tracey Anderson, Homewood-Flossmoor Park District Whether you could use some in-kind donations to offset rising costs or want to find alternative forms of revenue to build a multi-million dollar facility or program, your ability to write great fundraising letters is key. This fun, creative workshop will walk you through the process of planning, writing and delivering a fundraising appeal sure to boost sponsor, donor and volunteer involvement, interest and commitment. 211 Advanced Prescribed Fire -Execution and Bidding 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Jack Pizzo, Senior Ecologist, Pizzo and Associates, Ltd. Chair: Tom Pope, River Trails Park District Learn the principles of executing a safe and effective prescribed fire. Also learn what information you will need for bidding a burn. 511 Balancing Legal Rights versus Balancing Your Checkbook - Know the Law 8:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Steven J. Klienman, General Counsel, Park District Risk Management Agency; John McGovern, Executive Director, NSSRA Chair: Tamara Pared, Tri County SRA This session will provide the public recreation professional with a necessary understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act - "ADA" - as it applies to an inclusion setting. Using real life examples, attendees will learn how to better identify, address and manage the myriad of ADA inclusion issues and dilemmas commonly confronting public recreation providers. Particular emphasis will be placed upon behavior disorders and identifying the mutual rights and obligations of the provider and patron; exploring the need and "reasonableness" of an accommodations request; communication and documentation tips necessary to minimizing liability exposure and maximizing safety; and, when the provider has the right to deny or suspend participation. 30 Illinois Parks and Recreation www.ILipra.org MORNING CEU WORKSHOPS: 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 607 Generational Differences in the Workplace 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Alice Eastman, Manager of Natural Resources and Interpretive Services, Downers Grove Park District Chair: Becky Lambert, Oakbrook Terrace Park District A look at different approaches to the work world as viewed by the four distinctly different generations currently active in the labor market. 618 Owner Contracts with Architechts and Builders 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Tom LaLonde, AIA, Principal, Williams Architects; Tom Tristano, AIA, Principal, Williams Development; Eric Singer, Attorney, Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon Chair: Tom LaLonde, Williams Architechts This session will present highlights of architect-owner and constructor-owner agreements, along with an overview of a variety of construction delivery methods. Architect, builder and attorney insights will be included in the presentation. 904 Referendum: Can You Hear Me Now? 8:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): Ray Ochromowicz, Director, Bolingbrook Park District; Gary F. Balling, Executive Director, Park District of Oak Park; Representatives from the Park District of Oak Park Board, Staff and Citizen Committee Members Chair: Lisa Lightcap, Park District of Oak Park Referendum planning should begin years before Election Day and it all starts with listening to your community. A successful referendum is about building relationships and understanding your citizens' wants and needs. No two campaigns are alike. A panel of representatives from two agencies that have recendy organized referendum campaigns will share their approaches for success. Practical advice and planning ideas will be discussed to help you prepare to make a referendum decision and build support through election day. 1003 Performance Management 8:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Presenter(s): D. C. Luster, Consultant, DAL Enterprises Chair: Lonette Hall, Richton Park and Recreation Department With all that is happening on a daily basis in parks and recreation agencies, "management" tasks are sometimes pushed to the back of the "to do list." This session will help managers ensure that their organization and all of its subsystems - departments, employees, processes, programs, teams etc. arc working together in an optimum fashion to achieve the results desired by the organization.
www.ilparks.org September/October 2005 31 AFTERNOON CEU WORKSHOPS: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 17 Agreement and Contract Items in Public / Private Partnerships 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Jerry Handlon, Retired Executive Director, Schaumburg Park District Chair: Sheila Lowrey, IPRA Are you planning to team with another agency or private corporation to build a major recreation facility? Make the most of what may be a win-win situation for everyone. Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Discuss financing, payment schedules, working with attorneys, insurance, budgets, revenues, covenants, maintenance agreements, capital repairs and other specifics that might be overlooked; (2) Learn details and planning needs to launch a successful partnership. 22 Remembering What You Know (NO CEUS AWARDED FOR THIS SESSION) 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Panel of Experts Chair: Diane Stanke, Park District of Oak Park This refresher course will help participants review key areas of parks and recreation as they relate to the national certification examination. Speakers will address information in the following areas: leisure administration, therapeutic recreation, parks and natural resources and recreation programming. Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to prepare to take and pass the national certification exam for parks and recreation professionals; (2) Learn about the make-up of the certification exam and the four areas it covers. 107 Watershed Planning Resources: Free Models, New Programs 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Kerry Leigh, Director of Environment and Natural Resources, Northern Illinois Planning Commission; Bill Ward, Director, Chicago Office, Cadmus Group Chair: Judy Beck, Glenview Park District and U.S. EPA IEPA's new Watershed Planning Guidance, developed by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission and scheduled for release in December 2005, will be presented. The free, publicly available GIS, watershed and land use planning models and the Chicago Wilderness Green Infrastructure Vision and Model will also be presented. 115 The Great Things New Development Can Do For You 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Cameron Bettin, Superintendent of Park Planning and Michelle Kelly, President, Piainfield Park District Chair: Michelle Kelly, Piainfield Park District New development often brings a higher demand for park, recreation and conservation measures in your area. This session provides great ideas to make new development work for you. Get the sports fields, bikeways and even indoor space you need through developers and creative planning. 204 Extreme Marketing Makeover 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Jodi Rudick, Advisors Marketing Chair: Tracey Anderson, Homewood-Flossmoor Park District Get ready to break ground on a brand new communications blueprint designed especially for parks and recreation. Whether your brochures, flyers, press releases, program descriptions or entire agency could use a little renovation, you'll get the help you need at this workshop. 212 Prescribed Fire in Your Parks- The Basics 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Jack Pizzo, Senior Ecologist, Pizzo and Associates, Ltd. Chair: Rick Schram, Winnetka Park District With natural areas becoming a larger part of the parks, learn how this cost effective method of management is safe and effective. 312 It's Your Ship: Make the Best of It! 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Steve Gulden, Director of Parks and Recreation, Romeoville Recreation Department Chair: Sue Leninger, Geneva Park District Over the past decade, leadership strategies and how these strategies arc implemented has become a vital measuring tool in determining the success of an organization. This session will give you a step-by-step process on ways to create confidence and inspire in your staff the desire to make your organization the best. 418 It's Delightful, It's De-lovely, It's for Seniors! 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Lavonne Campbell, Superintendent of Recreation, Burr Ridge Park District; Linda Dolan, Leisure Center Supervisor, Wheaton Park District; Teresa Grodsky, Senior Center Coordinator, Park Ridge Recreation and Park District Chair: Jodi Gosse, Homewood Flossmoor Park District Take programming for boomers and beyond from ordinary to extraordinary. This session gives you delightful yet concrete ideas for trips, newsletters, activities and using volunteers to improve, expand or start a de-lovely senior program. 32 Illinois Parks and Recreation www.ILipra.org AFTERNOON CEU WORKSHOPS: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 512 Managing the Difficult Employee 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Steven J. Klienman, General Counsel, Park District Risk Management Agency Chair: Tamara Pareti, Tri County SRA Managers and supervisors are often faced with difficult employees and discipline nightmares. Effective selection and retention of employees begins with the hiring process and continues throughout the employee's career for the agency. From pre-employment selection through discipline and termination, this session will assist professionals in understanding the respective legal rights of born the employer and employee and provide the tools and resources critical to effective hiring, discipline, and when necessary, termination of employees. 518 How to Facilitate Team Building 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenters: Kurt Podeszwa, Director of Camping and Outdoor Programs, Timber Point Outdoor Camp Chair: Jennifer Bruecks, Tri County SRA
This session will teach participants how to plan, lead and debrief teambuilding activities. 601 Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Aquatic Facilities 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): PDRMA Staff Chair: Tony Korzyniewski, Gurnee Park District When seconds count, having a good plan in place-can make all the difference. During this session participants will have an opportunity to go through a variety of aquatic emergencies and develop procedures on how to deal with them. 619 Technical Design Tips for Your Sports, Recreation and Aquatics Facility 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Tom Poulos, AIA, Principal, Williams Architects; Jim Leuders, President, Innovative Aquatic Design, LLC Chair: Elizabeth Kessler, Skokie Park District This session will serve as a primer for park and recreation professionals who expect to be involved in the design process for a new facility. Design and planning guidelines will be offered, such as rules for sizing locker rooms, options for recreational space finishes and pool capacity determinations. 1004 How Do We Get Them Here? 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Presenter(s): Catherine Popowkz, President, Diversity Training & Consulting, Inc. Chair: Gail Ito, Chicago State University The demographics of the United States are rapidly changing and the increasingly cultural diversity of our communities reflects this national trend. Park district staffs as well as staff in other public institutions are faced with the new challenge of providing services to community members from many different cultural backgrounds. The greatest challenge for many park districts is getting members of new groups in their communities to come to the park district activities. Therefore, this workshop will provide practical ideas for increasing the participation of new cultural groups in programs and activities. www.ilparks.org September/October 2005 33 [Back to 2006 Conference Table of Contents]