Abbott Park
Abbott Laboratories, 1888
Washington County Mutual Fire Insurance, 1897
Albion Albion District Mutual Windstorm & Cyclone Insurance, 1893 Albion Journal-Register, 1869 Farmers Albion Mutual County Fire Insurance Company, 1886 J. F. Stewart & Son, 1878
Aledo Reiser - Trimble Funeral Home, 1895 Times Record Company, 1857
Alexis Norwood Cemetery Assn., 1874
Alhambra Gehrig's Store Company, 1866
Alton Alton Telegraph Printing Co., 1836 Barrett Heating & Cooling, Inc., 1896 C. J. Jacoby & Company, Inc., 1883 Duncan Foundry & Machine Works, Inc., 1884 Mercantile Bank of Illinois, N.A., 1836 Millers' Mutual Insurance Association of Illinois, 1877 Olin Corporation, 1892 Owens-Illinois, Inc., 1873 Sheppard, Morgan, & Schwaab, 1892
Amboy Amboy News, 1854
Anna Gazette-Democrat, 1849
Antioch Pickard, Inc., 1893
Argenta Gerber State Bank, 1887
Arlington Heights Daily Herald, 1872 Douglas Savings Bank, 1893 Harris Pharmacy, 1887 Henry Newgard & Company, 1882 Lutheran Home & Service, 1892
Arthur Arthur Graphic-Clarion, 1887
Ashland Ashland Sentinel, 1882 S. Hexter & Company, 1870
Ashton Ashton Gazette, 1895
Athens Walnut Ridge Cemetery Assn., 1879
Atlanta Schmidt-Marcotte, Inc.. 1898
Auburn Auburn Citizen, 1874 Cumberland Sugar Creek Cemetery .Association, I894
Aurora Alexander Lumber Company, 1891 Altschuler, Funkey, Loats, Pilmer, 1879 Aurora Beacon News, 1846 Aurora Public Library, 1881 (Carnegie 1904) Aurora University, 1893 Copley Memorial Hospital, 1886 Eby - Brown Company, 1888 Hawthorne Club, 1885 Henry Pratt Company, 1901 Merchants National Bank of Aurora, 1888 Old Second Bank of Aurora, 1871 Richards Wilcox, 1880 Turnverein-Frisch-Auf (Aurora Turners), 1858 Valley Industrial Association, 1902 Y.W.C.A. of Aurora, 1894
Avon Avon Sentinel, 1879
T.Williams & Son, 1878 Uarco, Inc., 1894
Barry Mutual Insurance Company, 1875 Barry Public Library, 1876 First National Bank of Barry, 1901
Batavia Batavia Public Library District, 1869 C. W. Shumway & Sons, 1872
Beardstown Beardstown Savings and Loan Association, 1880 First State Bank of Beardstown, 1889 Illinoian-Star Daily, 1833 McClure, Brannan & Hardwick, 1883
Bedford Park Goodman Equipment Corporation, 1887 Heller Seasonings & Ingredients, Inc., 1893
Belleville Belleville County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1883 Belleville News-Democrat, 1858 Belleville Public Library, 1836 Boatmen's, 1859 Eckert's Inc., 1879 Excelsior Foundry Company, 1892 First National Bank of Belleville, 1874
Frontier Financial, 1882 Illinois-American Water Company, 1881 Keil's Charles & Son Hardware, 1858 Reichert Grain Company, 1862 Teamsters Local Union No. 50, 1903 Wangelin Insurance Agency, 1885
Bellwood Bert C. Young & Sons Corporation, 1891 G. J. Nikolas & Company, Inc., 1890 Sanford Ink Company, 1866
Belvidere Belvidere Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company, 1876 United Bank of Belvidere, 1884
Bensenville Lifelink Corporation, 1895
Benton Hart & Hart, 1887
Berwyn Denni Hlasatel Printing & Publishing Company, 1891 Freethinkers Bohemian School Association, 1897 Gymnastic and Educational Association Sokol Tabor, 1893
Bethany Scott State Bank, 1887
Big Rock Big Rock County Mutual Fire Insurance, 1863
Bloomington Bloomington Columbia Home Association, 1901 Bloomington Public Library, 1856 Children's Foundation, 1889 Gummerman Printing Office, 1878 Illinois Wesleyan University, 1850 McLean County Historical Society, 1892 Nestle Beich, Inc., 1892 Pantagraph, 1837 Peoples Bank of Bloomington, 1869 St. Joseph's Hospital, 1880
Bluffs Bank of Bluffs, 1893
Braidwood Patterson Funeral Home, 1872
Breese Schuette Stores, Inc., 1863 Schwarz Hardware Stores, Inc., 1870
Bridgeport Brian Lumber Company, Inc., 1885
Broadview LaSalle Messinger Paper Company, 1865 Porter Equipment Company, 1868
Brookfield Congress Park Elementary, 1900 Dobrovsky Club (Bohemia Masons), 1903 Hitzeman Funeral Home, Ltd., 1904
Brussels Wittmond Hotel & Store, 1857
Bunker Hill Hilyard Family Farm, 1904
Bushnell McDonough Democrat, Inc., 1884
Cairo Barkett Funeral Home, 1858 Illinois-American Water Company, Cairo District, 1886
Caledonia Ralston's, Inc., 1880
Cambridge Cambridge Chronicle, 1858
Camp Point Camp Point Farmers Mutual County Fire Insurance Company, 1877
Carbondale Women's Club of Carbondale, 1896
Carlinville Blackburn College, 1837 Carlinville Democrat, 1856 Carlinville National Bank, 1888 Gustav Heinz Furniture Company, 1854 Macoupin County Enquirer, 1852
Carlyle Frerker Funeral Home, 1892 Lampen's Store, 1869 Union Banner, 1863
Carol Stream Prairie Farmer, 1841
Carrollton Carrollton Gazette-Patriot, 1846 Greene County National Bank of Carrollton, 1854
Carthage Carthage Mutual Insurance Company, 1897 Hancock County Journal-Pilot, 1887
Casey Marshall Independent-Choice, 1870
Centralia Centralia Evening & Sunday Sentinel, 1863
Champaign Champaign Country Club, 1904 Champaign National Bank, 1882 Champaign News-Gazette, 1852 First of America Bank, Champaign County, 1865 International Brotherhood of Painters 8c Allied Trades, Local 363, 1901 Joseph Kuhn & Company, 1865 News Gazette, 1852 Northern Illinois Water Corp., 1884 Robeson's, Inc., 1874 University Y.M.C.A., 1873
Charleston Charleston Federal Savings and Loan, 1882 G.F.W.C. Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 1872
Chatsworth Citizens Bank of Chatsworth, 1903
Chicago A. B. Dick Company, 1884 A. Finkl and Sons Company, 1879 Abramson & Fox, 1892 Albert J. Wagner & Sons, Inc., 1894 Alliance Francaise de Chicago, 1897 Alphonsus Academy and Center for the Arts, 1882 Alvord, Burdick & Howson LLC, 1886 American Library Association, 1879 American Medical Association, 1847 Anderson Shumaker Co., 1902 Anti-Cruelty Society, 1899 Apollo Chorus of Chicago, 1872 Arnstein & Lehr, 1893 Art Institute of Chicago, 1879 Art Resources in Teaching, 1894 Association House of Chicago, 1899 Augustana Hospital and Health Care Center, 1882 Baird & Warner, Inc., 1855 Baker, Fentress & Company, 1891 Bank of America NT & SA, 1857 Bismarck Hotel, 1894 Blakeslee, 1880 Bobbe & Company, 1893 Bradner Central Company, 1852 Brian Allendorfer Roofing Co., 1885 Building Owners and Management Assn. of Chicago, 1902 Bulley & Andrews Construction Company, 1891 C. Cretors & Company, 1885 C. D. Peacock, 1837 C. E.Jensen & Sons, Inc., 1891 Carson Pirie Scott & Company, 1886 Carstens, Inc., 1886 Caxton Club, 1895 Central Camera Company, 1901 Chicago-Allis Manufacturing, 1889 Chicago Cemetery Corporation, 1902 Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1892 Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1857 Chicago Association of Realtors, 1883 Chicago Athletic Association, 1890 Chicago Bar Association, 1874 Chicago Bible Society, 1840 Chicago Car Seal Company, 1892 Chicago Commons, 1894 Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 1854 Chicago Dock and Canal Trust, 1857 Chicago Guarantee Survey Co., 1872 Chicago Mailing Tube Co., 1902 Chicago Medical Society, 1850 Chicago Metallic Corporation, 1893 Chicago Public Library, 1872 Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 1890 Chicago Title and Trust, 1847 Chicago Tribune, 1847 Chicago Typographical Union No. 16/CWA 14408, 1852 Chicago White Sox, 1901 Chicago Woman's Club, 1876 Chicago Yacht Club, 1882 Children's Care Foundation, 1892 Children's Home & Aid Society of Illinois, 1883 ChildServ, 1894 CNA, 1897 Commonwealth Edison, 1887 Community Renewal Society, 1882 Covenant Home of Chicago, 1886 D'Ancoa Pflaum Attorneys, 1903 David Berg and Company, 1860 Defrees & Fiske, 1884 Deloitte & Touche, 1895 Donnelly Directory, 1886 E.W. Bredemeier & Co., 1895 Edward Fox Photography, 1902 Eleanor Women's Foundation, 1898 Equipment Manufacturers Inst., 1893 Ernst & Young, LLP, 1894 FamilyCare of Illinois, 1858 Farley Candy Company, 1891 Field Museum of Natural History, 1893 Fitch, Even, Tabin, & Flannery, 1859 Fitzpatrick Bros., Inc., 1894 Follett Corporation, 1873 Foote, Cone, & Belding , Inc., 1873 Francis Parker School, 1900 Frank Marik & Sons Funeral Home, PC, 1890 Franklin Picture Company, 1884 Frisch & Frisch Chartered, 1892 G. L. Schmitz & Company, Inc., 1874 Gast Monuments, Inc., 1880 George Lauterer Corporation, 1881 German Mutual Fire Insurance, 1867 Goes Lithographing Company, 1879 Grant Hospital of Chicago, 1883 Grein Funeral Directors, Ltd., 1889 H. Borre & Sons, Inc., 1894 Harrington & King Perforating, 1883 Harris Bancorporation, Inc., 1882 Harris Preble Company, 1864 Hartmarx Corporation, 1872 Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights, 1888 Hebrew Benevolent Society, 1897 Henry Frerk Sons, Inc., 1873 Heritage Pullman Bank & Trust, 1883 Holabird & Root, 1880 Hotel Florence, 1881 Humiston-Keeling, Inc., 1864
Hyde Park Herald, Inc., 1882 Illinois Bankers Association, 1891 Illinois Bell Telephone Company, 1876 Illinois Central Railroad Company, 1851 Illinois Institute of Technology, 1890 Illinois Manufacturers' Assn., 1893 Illinois Nurses Association, Chicago Illinois State Medical Society, 1840 Independent Order of Svithiod, 1881 Inland Steel Industries, 1893 Iwan Ries & Company, 1857 J. Walter Thompson, USA Inc., 1891 Jacobsen Publishing Company, 1890 James Systems, Inc., 1890 Jane Addams Hull House, 1889 Jeffersonian Club of Lake View, 1892 Jewish Children's Bureau of Metropolitan Chicago, 1893 Jewish Community Centers of Chicago, 1903 Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, 1900 John M. Smyth Company, 1894 John Marshall Law School, 1899 John Nuveen Company, 1898 Keck, Mahin & Cate, 1886 Kennicott Brothers Company, 1836 King Chimney & Fireplace Co., 1884 Klein Tools, Inc., 1857 Kroeschell, Inc., 1879 L. Fish Furniture Company, 1858 La Rabida Children's Hospital, 1896 Law Bulletin Publishing, 1854 Lawrence Hall Youth Services, 1865 Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd., 1893 Libby, McNeill & Libby, Inc., 1868 Liberty Federal Savings & Loan Association of Chicago, 1887 Liquid Carbonic Industries, 1888 Loyola University, 1869 Lyon & Healy, 1864 M. W. Powell Company, 1847 MacCormac College, 1904 Marshall Field's, 1852 Matchless Metal Polish Co., 1885 Matot, Inc., 1888 Matt Schulien & Sons, 1881 Mayer, Brown & Platt, 1881 Memorial Funeral Home, 1895 Mercy Hospital & Medical Center, 1852 Metropolitan Family Services, 1857 Mid-Day Club, 1903 Montrose Cemetery Co. 1902 Moody Bible Institute, 1887 Morton International, Inc., 1848 Mount Greenwood Cemetery, 1879 North Federal Savings Bank, 1886 North Park College, 1891 Northwestern Business College, 1902 Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 1865 Norwood Park Home, 1896 Oak Woods Cemetery Assn., 1853 Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, 1897 Palmer House Hilton, 1871 Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Co., 1855 Peterson & Ross, 1892 Phillips Bros. Agency, Inc., 1873 Plochman, Inc., 1852 Pulaski Savings & Loan Assn., 1890 Pullman Bank, 1883 Quinn Chapel, 1846 Realty & Building, Inc./The Economist, 1888 Reebie Storage & Moving Co., 1880 Ridge Country Club, 1902 Rockwood Company, 1896 Romano Brothers Beverage Co., 1884 Rosehill Cemetery & Mausoleum, 1859 Ross & Hardies, 1902 Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, 1837 Saint Anthony Hospital, 1896 Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital, 1894 Saint Paul Federal Bank for Savings, 1889 Saint Xavier University, 1846 Sargent & Lundy, 1891 SBC, 1878 Schiff, Hardin & Waite, 1864 Schwabischer Unterstützungs Verein, 1883 Sears, Roebuck and Company, 1886 Service Club of Chicago, 1890 Sheet Metal Workers Union Local #73, 1892 Siebel Institute of Technology, Inc., 1872 Son & Prins Company, 1892 Southwest Federal Savings and Loan, 1883 St. Bernard Hospital and Health Care Center, 1904 Strombecker Corporation, 1879 T. N. Donnelly & Company, 1881 Tenney & Bentley, Law Offices, 1847 Union League of Chicago, 1892 Union Tank Car Company, 1891 Union Special Corporation, 1881 United Order of Bricklayers & Stone Masons, 1885 United Serbian Society, 1894 United States Gypsum Company, 1901 University Club of Chicago, 1887 University of Chicago, 1890 Vienna Sausage Manufacturing Company, 1893 Volunteers of America of Illinois, 1896 Wagner Companies/InfoComm Print, 1853 Water Reclamation District of Metropolitan Chicago, 1901 Western Society of Engineers, 1869 Wieboldt Stores, Inc., 1883 William Wrigley, Jr. Company, 1891 Wilson & Mcllvaine, 1867 Winston & Strawn, 1853 Witwer, Burlage, Poltrock & Giampietro, 1895 Wolf-Linde, Inc., 1867 Woman's Athletic Club of Chicago, 1903 World Window Cleaning, 1890
Chillicothe Weber Funeral Home, 1852 Weber Funeral Home, 1903
Chrisman State Bank of Chrisman, 1892
Cicero Barrett Varnish Company, 1870
Claremont German Richland County Mutual Fire Insurance, 1887
Clay City The Clay City Banking Company, 1892
Clifton The Advocate, 1893
Clinton E. Kent & Company, 1859 First National Bank and Trust Co., 1872 John Warner Bank, 1867
Collinsville Collinsville Building & Loan Assn., 1885 Collinsville Herald, Inc., 1879 United Illinois Bank of Collinsville, 1891
Columbia Weinel Lumber Company, 1875
Countryside Sokol & Company, 1895
Creve Coeur Peoria and Pekin Union Railway, 1880
Cropsey Belle Prairie Mutual Insurance, 1874
Crystal Lake Flagg & Son Funeral Home, Inc., 1883 Herald, Crystal Lake Edition Shaw/Free Press, 1875
Cuba Cuba Journal, 1884
Dahlgren Richardson Hill Cemetery Assn., 1887
Danville Anker Florist, 1890 Canon Cochran Management Services, Inc., 1860 Center for Children's Services, 1894 Clover Club, 1894 Conron Inc., 1881 Danville Area Chamber of Commerce, 1899 Danville Commercial-News, 1866 Fidelity Savings & Loan Assn., 1884 First Midwest Bank, 1881 First National Bank of Danville, 1857 First Savings and Loan Association of Danville, 1880 Gulick Pharmacy, 1846 Illinois Audubon Society, 1897 Palmer-American National Bank of Danville, 1892 Spring Hill Cemetery, 1864 Woodbury's Office City, 1846
Davis Springbrook Cheese Company, 1899
Decatur Bachrach Clothing, Inc., 1877 Bold Machine Works, Inc., 1880 Decatur Family Y.M.C.A., 1877 Decatur Public Library, 1875 First National Bank of Decatur, 1873 First of America Bank of Decatur, 1891 Decatur Herald & Review, 1878 Hooker Glass Mirror & Beveling, 1855 Huff Lumber Company, 1891 Kehart, Shafter, Hughes & Webber, P.C., 1879 Macon County Medical Society, 1903 Mueller Company, 1857 Prairieland Mutual Insurance, 1880 St. Mary's Hospital of Decatur, 1878 Wabash Memorial Hospital Assn, 1882 Union Iron Works, Inc., 1860 Woare Builders Supply Company, 1858
Deerfield Callaghan & Company, 1864 Walgreen Company, 1901
DeKalb First National Bank in DeKalb, 1859 Resource Bank NA, 1901
Delavan Delavan Mutual County Fire Insurance Company, 1875 Delavan Times, 1874
Des Plaines B. F. Kinder & Sons, Inc., 1873 Des Plaines Publishing Company, 1885 Dietzgen Corporation, 1885 Inland Press Association, 1887 Meeker-Magner Co., 1902 Quinlan and Tyson Realtors, 1884 Upham & Walsh Lumber, 1894
Dewey Dewey State Bank, 1902
Dieterich Wright Furniture, Inc./Wright Funeral Home, 1887
Dixon B.F. Shaw Printing Co., 1852 Dixon National Bank, 1871 Dixon Public Library, 1895 Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 1865 First Bank of Dixon, 1892 Katherine S. Bethea Hospital, 1897 Palmyra Lincoln Mutual Insurance, 1865 Dixon Telegraph, 1851 Trein's Jewelry, Inc., 1883
Downers Grove Dicke Tool Company, 1888 Downers Grove Reporter, Inc., 1883 Dresser Industries, Inc., 1859 Mochel's Hardware, 1884 Vaughan's Seed Company, 1876
Dundee Haeger Potteries, Inc., 1871
Dunlap Dunlap State Bank, 1898
Durand Rockton Herald, 1875
Dwight Bakers Fine Furniture, Inc., 1855 Bank of Dwight, 1855 Dwight Star & Herald, 1868 Hagerty Brothers Company, 1860 Leslie E. Keeley Company, 1879
Earlville Earl Township Public Library, 1874 Earlville Leader, 1868
East Dubuque Frentress Lake Properties, 1903
East Moline MetroBank, 1904
East Peoria Dixon Fisheries, Inc., 1896 Sommerfield Sentry Hardware, 1871
East St. Louis Saint Mary's Hospital of East St. Louis, Inc., 1890
Edinburg Herald Star, 1882
Edwardsville Bank of Edwardsville, 1868 Edwardsville Intelligencer, 1862
Effingham Illinois Guarantee Savings Bank, 1893 John Boos and Company, Inc., 1887
Elburn Elburn Co-Operative Company, 1856
Eldorado C. P. Burnett and Sons, Bankers, 1889
Elgin Brenner's Men's Wear, 1885 Chicago Rawhide, 1879 Daily Courier-News, 1876 David C. Cook Publishing Co., 1875 Dunnings Auction Service, Inc., 1896 Elgin Corrugated Box Company, 1886 Elgin Lumber & Supply Co., 1881 Elgin Mental Health Center, 1869 Elgin Turners, 1883 Elgin Warehouse & Equipment, 1884 First National Bank of Elgin, 1865 Home Federal Savings and Loan, 1883 Larkin Center, 1896 Oak Crest Residence Association, 1904 Sherman Hospital, 1888 Wait-Ross-Allanson Funeral Service, Inc., 1875 YWCA of Elgin, 1901 Ziegler Hardware Store, 1858
Elizabethtown Hardin County Independent, 1871
Elk Grove Inlander-Steundler Paper Company, 1887 J. F. Helmold & Brother, Inc., 1881 Nelson Westerberg, Inc., 1904
Elmhurst Elmhurst College, 1871 Elmhurst Press, 1894
Elmwood Farmers State Bank of Elmwood, 1864
Emden Farmers State Bank of Emden, 1891
Eureka Eureka College, 1855
Evanston Evans Lodge No. 524 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, 1867 Evanston Chapter No. 144 Royal Arch Masons, 1870 Evanston Commandery No. 58, Knights Templar, 1886 Evanston Historical Society, 1898 Evanston Hospital Corporation, 1891 Fort Dearborn Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1894 Lemoi Hardware, Inc., 1895 Northwestern University, 1892 Presbyterian Homes, 1904 St. Francis Hospital, 1901
Evergreen Park Little Company of Mary Hospital & Health Care Center, 1893
Fairbury Fairbury, Inc., 1876 Walton's of Fairbury, Inc., 1868
Fairfield Fairfield National Bank, 1903 Farmers Mutual Fire & Lightning Insurance Company, 1889 Wayne County Press, 1866 Williams & Williams U.S. Clothing Store, 1886
Fairmount Carrington Funeral Home, 1893
Fairview Heights Illini Federal Savings & Loan, 1885
Farina Ging & Company, 1898 Farina News, 1882
Farmer City Farmer City Journal, 1872
Fisher Fisher Reporter, 1889
Flanagan Salem Children's Home, 1896
Forest Park American Wilbert Vault Corporation, 1880 Forest Home Cemetery Company, 1876
Forreston Forreston Mutual Insurance Company, 1877 Forreston State Bank, 1887
Fox Lake Mineola Hotel & Restaurant, Inc., 1884 National Athletic Club, 1892
Franklin Grove Bradford Mutual Fire Insurance, Inc., 1869
Franklin Park A. M. Castle Company, 1890 Binks Sames Corporation, 1894 C. H. Hanson Company, 1866
Freeport C. C. Bauscher Floral Shop, 1868 Emmert Drug Company, 1846 Flachtemeier Monument Works, 1874 Freeport Country Club, 1893 Freeport Journal-Standard, 1847 Freeport Sanitary Laundry & Dry Cleaners Co., 1887 Northwestern Illinois County Mutual, 1869 O'Mara Moving & Storage, Inc., 1865 Stephenson County Abstract, 1858 Union Loan & Savings Assn., 1883 Wagner Printing Company, 1853 Wagner's Business Products Center, 1885
Fulton Martin Hotel, 1854
Galena Clingman Pharmacy, 1832 Galena Gazette Publications, 1834 Galena Public Library District, 1895 (Carnegie 1908) J. P. Vincent & Sons, Inc., 1884 Jo Daviess Mutual Insurance, 1877
Galesburg Farmers & Mechanics Bank, 1869 Flesher House of Music, 1890 Galesburg Cottage Hospital, 1891 Harrington Family Services Foundation, 1890 Knox College, 1837 Lucretia Leffingwell DAR, 1903 Sanborn Insurance Agency, 1851 United Federal Savings and Loan Association of Illinois, 1882 Willis Steel Corporation, 1891
Galva E. W. Houghton Lumber Co., 1864 Gateway Co-Op, 1899 John H. Best & Sons, 1892
Garden Prairie East Bonus Cemetery Assn., 1875
Geneseo Geneseo Republic, 1856 Hanford Insurance Agency, Inc., 1855 The Farmers National Bank of Geneseo, 1876
Geneva Kane County Medical Society, 1864 Miner Enterprises, Inc., 1894 State Bank of Geneva, 1903
Georgetown First National Bank in Georgetown, 1891
Gilman Gilman Star, Inc., 1870
Girard Deck's Drugstore, 1884 Girard Gazette, 1879
Glen Ellyn McChesney and Miller, Inc., 1862 Forest Hill of Glen Ellyn Cemetery, 1879
Glencoe Chicago Horticultural Society, 1890 Skokie Country Club, 1897 Women's Library Club of Glencoe, 1874
Glenwood Glenwood School, 1887
Godfrey Beverly Farm Foundation, 1897
Golconda Herald-Enterprise, 1858
Granite City Saint John UCC Cemetery, 1863
Grant Park Union Corners Cemetery Assn., 1858
Granville Putnam County Record, 1868
Grayslake Churchill, Baumgartner & Quinn, 1903 Strang Funeral Chapel & Crematorium, 1898
Greenfield Greene County Mutual Insurance, 1900 Shields Memorial Home, 1898
Green Valley Farmers Grain and Coal Company, 1903
Greenville Bradford National Bank, 1867 DeMoulin Brothers, Inc., 1892 Greenville Advocate, 1858 Greenville College, 1892 Watson's Drug Store, 1881
Gurnee Payson Casters, Inc., 1879
Hamel Hamel District Mutual Windstorm Cyclone & Tornado, 1884 Hamel Township Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1872
Hampshire Hampshire Register, 1884
Hardin Calhoun Herald, 1872
Harrisburg First National Bank, 1889
Hartsburg Hartsburg Grain Company, 1903
Harvard Castle Bank Harvard, 1877 Dunham and Chemung Mutual Insurance, 1882 Harvard Cemetery Association, 1887 Harvard Pharmacy, Inc., 1875 Harvard State Bank, 1866 Millburn Mutual Insurance, 1855
Harvey Bliss & Laughlin Industries, Inc., 1891
Harwood Heights Paasche Airbrush Company, 1904
Havana H. J. Hackman Store, 1867 Havana National Bank, 1875 Mason County Democrat, 1849
Hebron Vaughn & Bushnell Manufacturing Company, 1882
Hemlock Hemlock Federal Bank, 1904
Hennepin Hennepin Riverside Cemetery Association, 1892
Henry LaPrairie Mutual Insurance Co., 1874 Watercott's, Inc., 1877
Herscher State Bank of Herscher, 1902
Highland First Highland Corporation, 1891 First National Bank, 1892 Greene Cemetery Association, 1872 Spengel-Bourlanger Funeral Home, 1902
Highland Park Highland Park Woman's Club, 1899 Ravinia Festival, 1904 Williams All Seasons Company, 1875
Hillsboro Clear Springs Cemetery Assn., 1890 Hillsboro Hotel Corp., 1902 Hillsboro Journal, Inc., 1838 Montgomery County Abstract Co., 1895 Montgomery County News, 1869
Hinsdale Albert F. Amling Company, 1889 Hinsdale Public Library, 1892
Homewood Great Lakes Bank, 1896 Homewood Memorial Gardens, 1892
Hoopeston Pillsbury Company, 1878 Stokely U.S.A., Inc., 1878
Indian Head Park Lyonsville Cemetery Association, 1848
Indianola Woodlawn Cemetery of Indianola, 1874
Ipava Ipava State Bank, 1902
Itasca Excelsior Manufacturing & Supply Company, 1886
Jacksonville Art Association of Jacksonville/ David Strawn Art Gallery, 1875 Bellatti, Fay, Bellatti, and Beard, 1876 The Club, 1861 Elliott State Bank, 1866 Frank B. Norbury, M.D., Ltd., 1888 Illinois College, 1829 Jacksonville Farmers Mutual County Fire Insurance, 1876 Jacksonville Journal-Courier, 1830 Jacksonville Literary Union, 1864 Jacksonville Public Library, 1889 (Carnegie 1903) Ladies' Education Society of Jacksonville, 1833 MacMurray College, 1846 Morgan County Historical Society, 1904 Passavant Area Hospital, 1875 Rammelkamp, Bradney, Dahman, Kuster, Keaton, Fritsche & Lindsay, P.C., 1895 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 904, 1901 Walton and Company, 1902
Jerseyville Democrat News, 1863 The State Bank of Jerseyville, 1890 W. A. Rice Seed Company, 1898 William F. Brockman Company, 1887
Joliet Barretts, Inc., Ace Hardware, 1850 First National Bank of Joliet, 1857 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1901
Joliet Elks Lodge No. 296, 1895 Phillips, Getschow Company, 1890 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc., Weber Division, 1886 Sisters of Saint Francis, 1865 Silver Cross Hospital, 1895 Herald News, 1839
Kaneville The Needham Shop, Inc., 1871
Kankakee Faber Floral Company, 1870 Kankakee County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1877 Kankakee Daily Journal, 1853 Kankakee Federal Savings & Loan Association, 1885 Mound Grove Gardens of Memory, Inc., 1879 Nesbitt Company, 1873
Kenilworth Chicago Gravel Company, 1888
Kewanee Boss Manufacturing Company, 1893 Good's Furniture, 1895 Kewanee Boiler Corporation, 1868 Kewanee Chamber of Commerce, 1902 Kewanee Manufacturing Co., 1868 Union Federal Savings & Loan Association, 1890 Y.M.C.A. of Kewanee, 1888
Knoxville First Farmers National Bank of Knoxville, 1865
Lacon First National Bank of Lacon, 1864 Lacon Home Journal, 1837 Lenz Memorial Home, 1896
LaGrange Illinois Masonic Children's Home, 1885 Parisian Cleaners & Interiors, Inc., 1889
LaHarpe First State Bank of Western Illinois, 1904
Lake Bluff James Anderson Company, 1891
Lake Forest Brunswick Corporation, 1845 John Griffith, Inc., 1903 Lake Forest Academy, 1857 Lake Forest College, 1857 Lake Forest Hospital, 1899
Lake Villa Central Baptist Children's Home, 1895 East Fox Lake Cemetery Association, 1878
Lake Zurich W B. Grace & Company, Dearborn Division, 1887
Lanark Lanark Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1874
LaSalle Daily News-Tribune, Inc., 1891 LaSalle National Bank, 1881
Lawrenceville Lawrenceville Daily Record, 1847 Piper Brothers Farm, 1902
Lebanon Lebanon Singing Society, 1890 McKendree College, 1828
Lemont Franciscan Sisters of Chicago, 1894
Lena Leamon's Furniture & Funeral Home, 1869 West Point Mutual Insurance, 1872
Lewistown Fulton Democrat, 1855
Liberty Farmer's Bank of Liberty, 1903
Libertyville Libertyville Woman's Club, 1903
Lima Ursa, Mendon & Lima Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1873
Lincoln Eckert's Market, 1858 Lincoln College, 1865 Lincoln Logan Mutual Insurance Company, 1887 Logan County Title Company, 1903 State Bank of Lincoln, 1903
Lincolnshire Van Vlissingen and Company, 1879
Lincolnwood Weidenmiller Company, 1903
Lisle Illinois Benedictine College, 1887 Biedy's True Value Hardware, 1889
Litchfield Coffman Drug Store, 1856 First National Bank of Litchfield, 1860
Lockport Humphrey & Sons Company, 1861
Lombard Addison Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, 1852 , Hammerschmidt Lumber & Fuel Company, 1878 Robert W Hunt Company, 1888
Lowpoint Buckingham Cemetery Assn., 1876
Loves Park Winnebago County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1874
Lovington Hardware State Bank, 1885
Lynwood American Messianic Fellowship, 1891
Macomb Anna L. Parker Club, 1899 Flack, McRaven & Stephens, 1893 Macomb Public Library District, 1886 Y.M.C.A. of McDonough County, 1889
Marengo Marengo Insurance Company, 1901 McGill Metal Products Company, 1878
Marion Bainbridge Jewelry Company, 1882 Roberts Insurance Agency, 1892
Maroa Stoutenborough Insurance Agency, 1880
Marshall First National Bank, 1857 Marshall Mutual Insurance, 1889
Martinsville Martinsville Planet, 1884
Mascoutah Dauber Pharmacy, 1853 Mascoutah Herald, 1885 Moll Funeral Home, Ltd., 1852
Mason City Euterpean Society, 1888 L. Frank Clothing Store, 1875
Matteson Village Barber Shop, 1896
Mattoon First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Mattoon, 1889 First National Bank, 1865 Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company, 1894 Mattoon Federal Savings and Loan Association, 1883 Mattoon Public Library, 1893
Maywood Maywood Public Library, 1874
Mazon Mazon Mutual County Fire Insurance Company, 1886 Wheeler Cemetery Association, 1885
McHenry Nunda-Algonquin Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1872 S.H. Freund&Son, 1903
McLeansboro McLeansboro Times-Leader, 1867
McNabb Magnolia Mutual Insurance, 1872
Mechanicsburg Mechanicsburg Cemetery Assn., 1876
Mendota Black Brothers Company, Inc., 1882 Graves-Hume Public Library, 1870 Mendota Mutual Insurance Co., 1875
Meredosia Farmers & Traders State Bank, 1887
Metropolis Elliott's Furniture, 1872 First National Bank of Metropolis, 1884 Humma's Drugstore, 1892
Midlothian Midlothian Country Club, 1898
Milford Milford Building and Loan Assn, 1883 Milford Herald News, 1876
Moline Deere and Company, 1837 Esterdahl Mortuary Ltd., 1891 Moline Public Library, 1872 Staack Florist, Ltd., 1877 Trimble Funeral Homes, Ltd., 1874 Wendt Funeral Home, 1866 Williams, White & Company, 1854
Momence DuMontelle's, 1870 Jensen Drug Store, 1861 Town of Lake Hunting and Fishing Club, 1894
Monmouth Maple City Steel Supply Co., 1865 Model Clothing Company, Inc., 1885 Monmouth College, 1853 Monmouth Mutual County Fire Insurance Company, 1875 Security Savings & Loan, 1882 National Bank of Monmouth, 1870 Turnbull Funeral Home, 1884 Western Stoneware, 1893
Montgomery Aucutt's, Inc., 1897 Aurora Metals Division, L.L.C., 1899
Morris Baum's, Inc., 1874 Grundy County National Bank, 1864 Morris Daily Herald, 1855
Morrison Mt. Pleasant Mutual Insurance, 1872 Whiteside News Sentinel, 1857
Morton First National Bank of Morton, 1888 Morton Buildings Incorporated, 1903
Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel Daily Republican, 1839
Mt. Carroll Colehour Elevator, Inc., 1869 Mt. Carroll Mirror-Democrat, 1860 Mt. Carroll Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1887
Mt. Morris Citizen State Bank of Mt. Morris, 1877 Lincoln Mutual Fire & Wind Insurance Company, 1860
Mt. Prospect Cummins-Allison Corporation, 1887
Mt. Pulaski First National Bank of Mt. Pulaski, 1888 Mt. Pulaski Phoenix Fire Dept., 1885
Mt. Vernon C.E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District, 1899
Mulberry Grove First National Bank, 1904
Mundelein Ivanhoe Cemetery Association, 1882
Murphysboro Square Deal Clothing House, 1885 The First Bank and Trust Company of Murphysboro, 1889
Naperville Beidelman-Kunsch Funeral Home, 1861 Catholic Order of Foresters, 1883 Naperville Cemetery, 1843 North Central College, 1861 Oswald's Pharmacy, 1875 Tabor Hills Healthcare Facility, 1894
Nashville Washington County Abstract Company, 1887
Nauvoo Baxter Vineyards, 1857
Neoga Neoga News, 1873 Short Furniture Company, Inc., 1870 Swengel-O'Dell Funeral Home, 1894
New Berlin Warren-Boynton State Bank, 1877
Newark Millington-Newark Cemetery, 1843
Newton Denver Mutual Insurance Co., 1889 Newton Mutual Insurance Co., 1890 Newton Press-Monitor, 1882 Peoples State Bank of Newton, 1875
Niantic Boone and Waddell Lumber Co., 1890 State Bank of Niantic, 1890
Niles Daprato Rigali, Inc., 1890
Nokomis Nokomis Farmers Mutual Fire & Lightning Insurance, 1876
Normal Baby Fold, 1902 Citizens Savings Bank, 1888 Illinois State University, 1857
Norridge Central Baptist Home, 1896
Northbrook Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., 1890 John S. Clark & Sons, 1883 Northbrook Garage, Inc., 1843 Stephen L. Winternitz, Inc., 1894 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 1894
Oak Brook CBI Industries, 1889 MTL Insurance Company, 1904
Oakbrook Terrace Chicago Automobile Trade Association, 1904
O'Fallon O'Fallon Progress, 1894 Schwarz Furniture, 1894
Oak Lawn I. N. R. Beatty Lumber Company, 1895
Oak Park A. Lange Florist, Inc., 1887 Biases Grocery & Market, 1892 H.J. Mohr & Sons Company, 1893 Oak Leaves, 1869 Schwaben Verein, Chicago, 1878
Oakland Oakland National Bank, 1874
Oglesby Lone Star Industries, Inc., 1891
Okawville Original Mineral Springs Hotel & Bath House, 1871 Okawville Times, 1893
Olney Bowers Drug Store, Inc., 1845 Olney Publishing Company, 1856 Olney Savings and Loan Assn., 1883 Robert Gaffner Company, 1880 Weber Medical Clinic, 1898
Onarga Farmers Pioneer Mutual Insurance Company, 1874
Orangeville Buckeye Mutual Fire Insurance, 1867
Oregon E. D. Etnyre & Company, 1898 Fearer, Nye, Ahlberg & Chadwick, 1878
Orion Orion Times, 1877 SVEA Mutual Insurance, 1865
Orland Hills Beverly Bank, 1863
Ottawa First National Bank of Ottawa, 1865 Jordan Hardware Company, 1840 Ottawa Boat Club, 1885 Daily Times, 1844
Palatine Zimmer Hardware, 1886
Palos Hills King Brothers Funeral Directors, 1895
Pana McCracken Funeral Home, Inc., 1864 Pana Monument Company, 1857 Pana News Palladium, 1869
Paris Citizens National Bank of Paris, 1902 Edgar County Savings & Loan, 1887 Paris Beacon-News, 1848 Paris Beacon Publishing Co., 1848 W. H. & J. G. Hodge, Ace Hardware, 1854
Park Ridge Chicago - Midwest Credit Management Association, 1896 Lutheran General Hospital, 1897 National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, 1904 Polish Women's Alliance of America, 1898 Protection Mutual Insurance, 1887 Youth Campus, 1877
Paxton Brown-Miller Furniture - Funeral Home, 1873 Ford County Abstract Company, 1894 John P. Johnson Heirs, 1904 Stevens Printing Company, 1865 Paxton Daily Record, 1897 The Record, 1865
Pearl City Lorain Township Mutual Insurance Company, 1879
Pecatonica Town & Country Mutual Insurance Company, 1895
Pekin Amcore Bank National Assn., 1887 Illinois-American Water Company, Pekin District, 1886 N. Reuling Company, 1868 Pekin Public Library, 1896 Pekin Savings & Loan Assn., 1882 Woolsey Funeral Home, Inc., 1880
Peoria A. Lucas & Sons, 1857 Bradley University, 1897 Callender & Company, 1861 Cohen Furniture Company, 1879 Commercial Bank of Peoria, 1885 Counseling and Family Services, 1900 Crittenton Care and Counseling, 1892 Edward Hine Company, 1880 First National Bank of Peoria, 1863 Hagerty Brothers Company, 1860 Illinois-American Water Company Peoria District, 1869 Isaac Walker Company, 1842 John Hancock, Central Illinois Agency, 1891 Kavanagh, Scully, Sudow, White, and Frederick, PC, 1883 Lutheran Cemetery, 1872 Midstate College, Inc., 1888 Nailon Corporation, 1885 Neighborhood House, 1896 OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, 1876 Peoria Journal Star, Inc., 1855 Peoria Medical Society, 1848 Peoria Park District, 1894 Peoria Stamp & Stencil Works, 1875 Peoria Symphony Orchestra, 1897 Peoria Women's Club, 1886 Proctor Hospital, 1882 Security Savings & Loan, 1880 The Schradzki Company, 1854 Westervelt, Johnson, Nicoll & Keller, 1865 Wilton Mortuary, Inc., 1884 Wahlfeld's, 1891
Peoria Heights Leisy Company, 1884
Peotone Fedde- Helfrich, Ltd., 1867
Peru Open Court Publishing Company, 1887 Peru Waltham Mutual Insurance Company, 1878 W H. Maze Company, 1848
Petersburg First National Bank of Petersburg, 1865 Menard County Abstract Co., 1872 Petersburg Observer, 1874
Pittsfield Farmers State Bank, 1889 Hooper & Niebur Insurance Co., 1902 Pike Press, 1842 Pittsfield Public Library, 1855
Plainfield A. C. Steiner Shop, 1858 Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., 1889 Lincoln Way Barber Shop, 1881
Piano Cooper Home Furnishings, Inc., 1885
Pontiac Daily Leader, 1880 Hoffrichter's West Side Lumber, 1865 Livingston Manor, 1859 Northern Illinois Water Corp, Pontiac Division, 1882 Smith's Jewelry, 1880 Pontiac Mutual Insurance Co., 1892 Pontiac Public Library, 1894
Port Byron Black Hawk Mutual Insurance, 1875 Coe & Zuma Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1875
Prairie View A. L. Randall Company, 1888
Princeton Bryant Nurseries, 1845 Citizens First National Bank of Princeton, 1865 Bureau County Republican, 1847 Bureau County Tribune, 1847 F. L. Eckdahl & Sons, 1897 Illinois Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1896 Johnson, Martin & Russell, Attorneys at Law, 1883 Nelson Drug Store, 1881 Priestly Hardware Company, 1854 Scott-Williams-Finn, Inc., 1866 Trimble, Angel, Hornbaker & Isaacson, 1867
Prospect Heights Household International, Inc., 1878
Quincy Blessing Hospital, 1875 Chaddock, 1853 Comstock-Castle Stove Co., 1849 E. Best Plumbing & Heating Supply Company, 1879 Gardner Denver Machinery, Inc., 1859 Huck Fixture Company, 1890 Inghram & Inghram, 1891 Knapheide Manufacturing Co., 1848 Michelmann Steel Company, 1865 Oenning Glass and Book Co., 1866 Payson Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, 1873 Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce, 1887 Quincy Family Y.M.C.A., 1853 Quincy Humane Society, 1880 Quincy Park District, 1888 Quincy Public Library, 1888 Quincy University, 1860 South Side Boat Club, 1884 State Street Bank and Trust, 1890 Sunset Home of the United Methodist Church, 1889 Quincy Herald-Whig, 1835
Ramsey Ramsey News-Journal, 1881
Raymond First National Bank of Raymond, 1903 Hough Funeral Homes, 1899 Raymond Cemetery Association, 1881
Red Bud First State Bank of Red Bud, 1875 Horse Prairie Mutual Insurance Company, 1889
Reynolds Hamlet Mutual Insurance Co., 1875
Riverdale Acme Steel, 1880
Riverton Buffalo Agency, Inc., 1892
Robinson Robinson Argus, 1863
Rochelle Barker Pharmacy, 1857 Flagg-Rochelle Public Library District, 1889 Rochelle Municipal Utilities Electric Department, 1877 Rochelle Municipal Utilities Water Department, 1877 Unger-Horner Funeral Home, Ltd., 1861
Rochester Oak Hill Cemetery of Clear Lake, 1871
Rock City Stephenson County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1868
Rockford American Union of Swedish Singers, 1892 Bradley & Bradley, Inc., 1887 First National Bank & Trust Company of Rockford, 1854 Gunite Corporation, 1876 Ingersoll Milling Machine Company, 1890 John H. Camlin Company, 1860 Mercantile Bank of Northern Illinois, 1891 Rockford Burns Club, 1859 Rockford Business College, 1866 Rockford College, 1847 Rockford Mutual Insurance Co., 1896 Rockford Powertrain, Inc., 1890 Rockford Register Star, 1855 Rockford Standard Furniture Co., 1887 Mendelssohn Club, 1894 Rockton Herald, 1875 Whitehead Incorporated Realtors, 1891 Williams-Manny Inc., 1898 Woodward Governor Company, 1870 Y.W.C.A. of Rockford, IL, 1891
Rock Island Augustana College, 1860 Bowl by Music House, 1877 Dingeldein Gardens, 1858 Larson Funeral Homes, Inc., 1841 McCabe's Dry Goods Corp., 1870 Modern Woodmen of America, 1883 Royal Neighbors of America, 1895 Scholtz - Gowey - Marolf, 1896 Visiting Nurse and Homemaker Association, 1903
Rockton Highview Retirement Home Association, 1904
Rolling Meadows AT&T Technologies, 1872
Rushville Kerr Homecenter, Inc., 1852 Knapp Jewelers, 1855 Moreland & Devitt, 1834 Rushville Public Library, 1878 Rushville State Bank, 1890 Rushville True Value Hardware, 1858 Rushville Times, 1848
Salem Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce, 1898 Salem National Bank, 1870
San Jose N. Woll & Company, 1867
Sandwich Burkhart Funeral Home, 1856 Sandwich Fair Association, 1888 Sandwich State Bank, 1856
Savanna Savanna Public Library District, 1896
Scales Mound
Thompson and Guilford Mutual, 1840
Schaumburg Ahlgrim and Sons, Ltd., 1897
Shelbyville Klauser Brothers Marine, 1882 Shelby County State Bank, 1895 Shelbyville Daily Union, 1863
Sigel Sigel Mutual Insurance Company, 1886
Skokie Ethical Humanist Society, 1882 Rand McNally & Company, 1856 Sargent-Welch Scientific Co., 1852
Somonauk Farmers State Bank of Somonauk, 1900
South Barrington Charles Klehm & Son Nursery, 1856
South Holland Wausau Lumber Company, 1882
Sparta Charter Bank, 1894 First National Bank of Sparta, 1885 Sparta News-Plaindealer, 1863 Township Mutual Insurance Co., 1880
Spring Grove Intermatic, Inc., 1891
Spring Valley Mason's Service Station, 1888 Spring Valley Gazette, 1885 Thompson Drug Company, 1840
Springfield AmerenCILCO, 1902 American Savings Association, 1872 Bank One - Springfield, 1851 Boardman Smith Funeral Chapel, 1848 Brown, Hay & Stephens, 1828 Brown's Business College, 1864 Chapin & Chapin, 1883 Charles T. Bisch & Son, Inc., 1880 First National Bank of Springfield, 1863 Family Service Center of Sangamon County, 1863 Franklin Life Insurance Company, 1884 George A. Mueller Company, 1867 Harold O'Shea Builders, 1902 Henson Robinson Company, 1861 Illinois Education Association, 1853 Illinois National Bank of Springfield, 1886 Illinois Press Association, 1877 Illinois State Bar Association, 1877 Illinois State Museum, 1877 King's Daughters Organization/ Carrie Post King's Daughters' Home for Women, 1888/1893 Kirlin-Egan & Butler Funeral Home, 1893 Lincoln Library, 1886 Maldaner's Restaurant, 1884 Memorial Medical Center, 1897 Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of the State of Illinois, 1840 Phillips Brothers, Inc., 1883 R. H. Armbruster Manufacturing Company, Inc., 1875 R. W Troxell & Company, 1887 St. John's Hospital, 1875 St. Joseph's Home of Springfield, 1903 State Journal Register, 1831 United Savings & Loan Assn., 1874
St. Anne Record Press, Inc., 1892
St. Charles Garfield Cemetery Association, 1852 Colonial Ice Cream, 1901
Staunton Staunton Star Times, 1878
Steeleville First National Bank of Steeleville, 1902 Randolph Mutual Insurance, 1869
Sterling Lawrence Brothers, Inc., 1876 Moore Monument Company, Inc., 1854 National Manufacturing Co., 1901 Northern Illinois Water Corporation, Sterling Division, 1873 Northwestern Steel & Wire Co., 1879 Sterling Public Library, 1878 (Carnegie, 1905) Sterling-Rock Falls Family YMCA, 1889 Sterling Gazette Company, 1854 Ward, Murray, Pace, & Johnson, P. C, 1872
Stickney Hawthorne Race Course, Inc., 1891
St. Jacob State Bank of St. Jacob, 1903
Stockton Stockton & Wards Grove Mutual Fire & Lightning Insurance, 1875
Streator Allan & Otter Creek Mutual Insurance Company, 1874 Fearer, Nye, Ahlberg & Chadwick, 1878 First Midwest Bank, 1882 Missal Farmers Grain Company, 1904 UnionBank, 1874
Sullivan McMullin-Young Funeral Homes, P.C., 1856 News-Progress, 1869
Sumner Sumner Press, 1881
Sycamore Henderson's Department Store, 1896 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge 105, 1872 Mayfield Cemetery Association, 1884 Ohio Grove Cemetery Ass'n, 1878 Sycamore Public Library, 1891
Taylorville Breeze Courier, 1894 Marblestone's Clothing, Inc., 1881 Mosquito Mutual Insurance Co., 1891
Teutopolis Siemer Milling Company, 1882
Tonica Tonica News, 1874
Toulon Elmira Mutual Insurance Co., 1876 Lehman Farm Supplies, 1875 State Bank of Toulon, 1903
Tremont Tennessee Point Cemetery Assn, 1841
Trenton Trenton Cemetery Association, 1902
Tuscola Tuscola Review, 1875 Wills Insurance Agency, 1879
Union Hill VanVoorst Lumber Company, 1891
University Park Berg Ladders, 1876
Urbana Busey First National Bank, 1868 Citizen Federal Savings & Loan, 1872 Cogdal & Hobbs, 1859 Phebus, Winkelmann, Wong & Bramfeld, 1895 Renner - Wikoff Chapel, 1875 University of Illinois, 1867 Urbana Free Library, 1874
Vandalia Burnside, Johnston, Choisser & Sheafor, 1883 First National Bank of Vandalia, 1865
Varna Evans Mutual Insurance Co., 1884 Marshall County State Bank, 1883
Vienna Illinois Rural Letter Carriers Association, 1903 Vienna Nursery, 1869
Villa Grove Allendale Association, 1897
Villa Park Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Illinois, 1897
Virden Berry Funeral Homes, Ltd., 1853 Central Illinois Savings, 1884 Hein's Clothing & Jewelry, 1894
Virginia Cass Telephone Company, 1898 Petefish, Skiles & Company, 1870 Petefish, Skiles & Company Bank, 1870
Walnut Walnut Leader, 1892
Waltonville Knob Prairie Cemetery, 1883
Warrenville A. A. S. R. Valley of Chicago, 1856
Warsaw Hill-Dodge Banking Company, 1864
Washburn Washburn Bank, 1870
Waterloo Charles Grosse and Sons, 1873 Commercial State Bank of Waterloo, 1882 H. Quernheim Company, P.C., 1858 Harrisonville Telephone Co., 1896 State Bank of Waterloo, 1894
Waterman Waterman State Bank, 1891
Watseka Iroquois Federal Savings & Loan Association, 1883 Segur - Knapp Funeral Home, 1897
Waukegan Aldon Company, Inc., 1904 News-Sun, 1892 Peterson Funeral Home, 1865 Shimer College, 1853 Victory Memorial Hospital, 1891
Waverly Waverly Journal, 1869
West Chicago DuPage National Bank, 1891 Neltnor Agency, Ltd., 1894 Tablet and Ticket Company, 1870
Wheaton DuPage County Bar Association, 1879 F. E. Wheaton & Company, 1892 Gary-Wheaton Bank, 1874 Wheaton College, 1860 Williams-Kampp Funeral Home, 1863
Wheeling D.C. Cregier Lodge #81 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, 1850 Sunnyside Corporation, 1893 E.H. Wachs Company, 1883
White Heath Blacker Farm Company, 1902
Williamsville Williamsville State Bank, 1890
Wilmette Lambrecht's Jewelers, Inc., 1892
Wilmington Whitmore Ace Hardware, 1896
Winchester First State Bank of Winchester, 1867 Hainsfurther Clothing, 1857 Scott County Abstract Company, 1877 Winchester Times,, 1865
Winfield Winfield Fuel & Matl First Chicago Bank, 1894
Woodstock Beard & Stovall, Inc., 1885 Dramatic Publishing Company, 1885 McHenry County Title Company, 1858 Stone's on the Square, 1873 Woodstock Christian Care, Inc., 1886 Woodstock Daily Sentinel, 1856
Worden Worden Lumber Company, 1902
Wyanet Bureau County & Wyanet Mutual Insurance Company, 1875
Wyoming Women's Tuesday Club, 1898
Yorkville Kendall County Record, Inc., 1864 Yorkville National Bank, 1902
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