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Before reviewing what seems to be a promising year in grant prospects, it certainly is appropriate to acknowledge one particular legislative initiative that took place last spring regarding funding for the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant program. With strong support and diligence, the IAPD and individual park, recreation and conservation agencies worked with the Illinois General Assembly, which approved a 60 percent increase for OSLAD funding (for a total of $31.8 million).

Last October, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources was able to announce the funding of 101 projects totaling $32.9 million. (OSLAD rollover dollars were also used). Even with the dollar increase, the demand for grant funding requests exceeded $40 million. (See the table on this page.) As the table on the following pages indicates, the outlook for OSLAD funding for the grant cycle beginning on May 1, 2007 through July 1, 2008 is anticipated to be between $20.0 million and $26.0 million.

Funding for the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) program is again uncertain for the next fiscal year. Illinois' apportionment through the federally funded Recreational Trails Program (RTF) for local grants will exceed $1.4 million for grant applications submitted in 2007. This program, perhaps due to the lengthy

timeframe in announcing successful grant recipients, has not seen an overwhelming number of grant applications over the years.

The Local Government Snowmobile (SNOW) grant program will see an increase in funding from recent years. Available funds will total $120,000. While the program is quite small compared to other IDNR grant programs, this is a 50 percent increase in grant funds from previous years. The Illinois Bicycle Path (BIKE PATH) grant program funding is expected to remain at $2.5 million for the upcoming cycle. Applications can be submitted to IDNR starting January 1,2007 through March 1. IDNR encourages applications proposing multiple-use trails including multiple-use equestrian trails. It is anticipated that in the next fiscal year the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) grant program will again have $600,000 in new appropriations. This program, while open to both governmental agencies and non-governmental entities, has yet to draw many units of local government.

Funding for the Boat Access Development (BAAD) program has remained constant at $725,000. During the last few years, this program has had a funding request level approximately twice that of the available dollars for grant awards. The table on pages 24-25 outlines the facts associated with all IDNR grant programs.

January/February 2007 - page 23


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January/February 2007 - pages 24, 25
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