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Referenda Results - February 5, 2008

Of the hundreds of referenda proposals submitted to voters for the general primary election held February 5, 2008, 22 concerned issues related to park, recreation and conservation agencies.

Of those 22 ballot questions, 16 asked voters to increase agency taxing authority or to approve the issuance of bonds, while the remaining propositions dealt with agency operations.

Only one of six tax questions met with voter approval. Bond questions fared slightly better, with five of 10 passing.

Assuming that data offered by the State Board of Elections closely match the text of the propositions as they appeared on focal ballots, then an analysis of the wording of ballot questions may be useful. Of the seven propositions that tied tax or bond revenues to specific construction projects, four passed. In four other cases, the majority of voters favored propositions that were presented as preservation issues. (That number includes a 10-precinct vote in Chicago on a question of Lake Michigan Shoreline preservation and voter disapproval of the sale of park district real estate.) Ballot questions that asked for funds for a mix of construction and preservation projects (or, worse yet, those that mentioned no projects whatsoever) were much more likely to be met with disapproval. Only one of seven such measures passed.

The following table summarizes the types of initiatives, the amounts requested and vote totals. Data for this report were obtained from county election authorities after all precincts were counted but before votes were made official, if you are aware of an initiative that is not included, please contact me at

Park and Forest Preserve Referenda Results







Addison Park District



Shall the Addison Park District, DuPage County, construct an outdoor aquatic center, multipurpose athletic fields and related facilities at Centennial Park, and issue bonds to the amount of $14,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?



Barrington District

Cook, Lake


Shall the Barrington Park District, Lake and Cook Counties, build a new recreational facility and renovate portions of Langendorf Park and issue bonds to the amount of $12,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?



Boone County Conservation District



Shall the limiting rate for the Boone County Conservation District be increased an additional amount equal to 0.0232% above the limiting rate for levy year 2006 and equal to 0.1000% of the assessed value of the taxable property for levy year 2008?



Carthage Park District



Shall the maximum allowable general corporate tax rate for the Carthage Park District of Hancock County be increased from .10% to .25% of the value of all taxable property within the Park District?



City of Chicago
Ward 7, Precincts 10- 11, 14, 35,40, 44-45, 63-65

City of Chicago


Should the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and Federal government protect and preserve the existing Lake Michigan shoreline between 71st and 75th Streets by prohibiting development such as landfill or breakwalls by private or public agencies?



Fox Valley Park District

City of Aurora, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Will


Shall the Fox Valley Park District, Kane, DuPage, Kendall and Will Counties, acquire and protect land for nature areas and issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $44,850,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?



Hazel Crest Park District



Should the Hazel Crest Park District merge with the Village of Hazel Crest Government?



Hazel Crest Park District



Shall the Hazel Crest Park District lease for $1.00 per year the Crestview swimming pool to the Village of Hazel Crest so that the Village can reopen the swimming pool?



10   I l l i n o i s   P a r k s   &   R e c r e a t i o n







Hazel Crest Park District



Should the Hazel Park District reopen the Crestview swimming pool located at 17001 Holmes Hazel Crest, Illinois?



Horner Park District

St. Clair


A proposition for or against the Horner Park District selling rental real estate in the form prescribed by 70 ILCS 1205/10-7c

Against 468/562
Litchfield Park District Montgomery Tax Shall the Litchfield Park District be authorized to levy and collect an additional tax of not to exceed .25% for all corporate purposes as provided in section 5-3 of the Park District Code? failed 314/830
Lockport Township Park District Will Bond Shall bonds of the Lockport Township Park District, Will County, to the amount of $29,900,000 be issued for acquiring land for parks, renovating and expanding the Challenge Fitness Facility and other purposes for improving and protecting the parks? failed 5,234/9,540

Lombard Park District

DuPage Bond Shall bonds of the Lombard Park District, DuPage County, to the amount of $5,900,000 be issued for constructing an outdoor community pool and maintaining other parks and facilities of said Park District and payment of the expense incident thereto?

PASSED 7,122/4,478

Morton Park District

Tazewell Bond Shall bonds of the Morton Park District, Tazewell County, to the amount of $4,000,000 be issued for the purpose of building and equipping a new swimming pool? PASSED 3,775/2,303

Pearl City Park District

Carroll, Stevenson Bond Shall bonds of the Pearl City Park District, Stephenson and Carroll Counties, to the amount of $100,000 be issued for the payment of land condemned or purchased for parks, for the building and improving and protecting of the same and the existing land?

failed 303/413
Rock Island Forest Preserve District Rock Island Tax

Shall the corporate authority of the Forest Preserve District be authorized to levy a tax at the rate of 0.06% for the purpose of constructing and maintaining for any such zoological Parks and buildings and grounds thereof?

PASSED 23,025/11,196
St. Charles Park District DuPage, Kane Bond

Shall bonds of the St. Charles Park District, Kane and DuPage Counties, to the amount of $25,000,000 be issued for the purpose of acquiring land for park and recreational purposes including a pool complex at Campton Hills Park?

PASSED 7,012/4,950

Urbana Park District

Champaign Tax Shall the limiting rate for the Urbana Park District, Champaign County, be increased 0.25% above the limiting rate for levy year 2006 and 0.7783% of the equalized assessed value of taxable property therein for levy year 2007?

failed 3,384/3,448
Village of Campton Hills Kane Misc. Shall the Village of Campton Hills collect impact fees on new developments to be used for parks in addition to other impact fees?

Yes 2,772/2,070
Village of Hazel Crest Cook Misc. Shall the Village of Hazel Crest hire 5 additional full-time police officers in order to increase the public safety of the residents and the public parks?

Yes 3,275/1,066
Waterloo Park District Monroe Bond Shall Waterloo Park District, in the City of Waterloo, acquire, improve and construct a new swimming pool and issue bonds to the amount of $4,500,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?

failed 950/1,642
Wauconda Park District Lake Bond Shall the Wauconda Park District, Lake County, construct an outdoor water park and related facilities and improve the Community Center of said Park District and issue bonds to the amount of $12,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?

failed 1,099/1,459    M a r c h  /  A p r i l  2008   11

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