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library media publications list

State Board of Education
Educational Innovation and Support, N-253
100 North First Street
Springfield, Illinois 62777

1.  Recommended Standards for Educational Library Media Programs in Illinois. Three-phase planning guide and assessment tool for all school library media programs. 1983. 32p.

2.  Steps in School Library Media Development. Ten-step sequential process for developing and improving school library media programs. 2p.

3.  Centralizing Instructional Materials at the Building Level. Examines whether instructional materials should be in the classroom or in a centralized location in the school. 3p.

4.  Suggestions and Recommendations for Media Directors Working with School Principals. List of twenty items useful for planning staff meetings, interviews, or self-evaluation. 1p.

5.   The Library Media Specialist in the Instructional Program. The role of the specialist in promoting the use of the school library media center. 5p.

6.  A Comparison of AASL/AECT Media Programs: District and School with the North Central Association Policies and Standards for the Accreditation of Secondary Schools, "Standard VIII Instructional Media Program (Library, Audio-Visual, and Instructional Materials)," 1982. 22p.

7.  Library Media Skills for Grades K-6; A List of Suggestions. 2p.

8.  Weeding the Library Media Collection. Procedures and reasons for discarding materials. 3p.

9.  Planning and Designing An Educational Library Media Center. A guide to considerations regarding plan and design for a new or remodeled library media center. 5p.

10. Suggested Activities for National Library Week and/or Children's Book Week. A list of 25th theme ideas for library media related activities



Instructional Development for the Classroom Teacher, by Hans Moll and Karl Kaufmann. Handbook for utilizing the process of instructional development in all professional activities. 1978. 62p. Also available in hard copy.


Plunge Into the Fun World of Local Production, by Hans Moll. Handbook of media production for the classroom teacher or library media specialist. August 1977. 13p. Also available in hard copy.


Staffing Your Library/Media Center. Job descriptions of the media specialist, paraprofessional, and clerical staff 1979. 11 p.


Video Tape

Media Minded, A Program on Education Through Media. Addresses the role and value of media programs and services in the education of lllinois school children. 1983. Fifteen minutes. Available in choice of video formats.

Slide Program

Max and Marion Wear Many Hats. Thirty-two slide program with printed script. Describes the many different activities of the school library media specialist in a humorous presentation.

Calendar of Library Media Events

Library Media Related Activities and Conferences. A current calendar of Illinois and national library media association meetings, conferences, and special event information.


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