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This issue of Illinois Libraries displays the diversity of interests and areas of expertise found in the Illinois library network. The purpose of Illinois Libraries, as stated on the masthead, is to share articles of interest to library staff and governing officials in Illinois who represent all types of libraries and library consortia. I trust that there are articles in each issue that appeal to each reader, regardless of his or her type of library involvement.

The articles in this issue range from the creation of inexpensive or free library exhibits to a philosophical perspective on libraries today as viewed in the library literature of previous decades. I was especially intrigued by the observations of noted librarians in the 1950s, as covered in Benjamin Trask's article, about the projected use of computers and mechanical devices in libraries in the future. When librarians look back on our library literature forty years from now they will note that electronic networking is an integral part of how we do business. However, library service encompasses many aspects besides the electronic. This issue of Illinois Libraries reflects the importance of other facets of library service.

As always, your contributions are sought. Articles from the Illinois library community regarding effective service in a variety of locations, by different types of libraries, and under special circumstances, will help us all. Despite the variety of libraries and the diversity of the state, we share a common mission in meeting people's informational needs.

Kathleen L. Bloomberg
Editor, Illinois Libraries


Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library