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Parks Day at the Capitol April 23

DESPITE THE LIGHT legislative calendar this year's session has seen a strong number of new bill introductions. A variety of bills with the potential to impact park and recreation operations are listed below and on the public policy section of the IAPD Web site,

We are continuing to seek approval for the issuance of a park district youth license plate and for restoration of bonding authority for those districts without it after the tax cap.

This year the legislative conference is scheduled for April 24. This is a great opportunity to meet with your legislator at the State Capitol to advocate for park and recreation issues. The conference will be preceded by Parks Day at the Capitol on April 23, where agencies throughout the state can showcase their districts activities on the first floor rotunda. Space is limited so call IAPD today to reserve your spot, 217.523.4554.


HB 6034 (Dovis, Steven)
Amends the Public Funds Statement Publication Act. Removes the requirement that the summary statement of operations to be filed with the public officers' annual statement must be "as excerpted from the annual financial report as filed with the appropriate state agency of the state of Illinois." Amends the Governmental Account Audit Act. Defines "report" to include both audit reports and reports filed instead of an audit report by a governmental unit "receiving less than $850,000" (currently, appropriating less than $200,000") during any fiscal year to which the reports relate. Last action: 2nd Reading Short Debate, 2-21-02.

Equity Interest
HB 5824 (Scully)
Amends the Park District Code. Authorizes park districts to own, possess, and carry as an asset an equity interest in a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or trust that is engaged solely in activities in which the park district is otherwise permitted to engage. Last action: 2nd Reading Short Debate, 2-22-02.

SB 1735(Syverson-Burzynski)
Authorizes park districts to prescribe fines and penalties not to exceed $1,000 (currently $500) for ordinance violations. Last action: Assigned to Local Government Committee, 2-20-02.

Forest Preserves
HB 5694 (Winters)
Amends the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act. Provides that in forest preserve districts located within Winnebago County, after a front-door referendum, the amount of taxes levied for general corporate purposes for a fiscal year may not exceed the rate of .10% of the assessed value of the district. Last action: 2nd Reading Short Debate, 2-22-02.

License Plates
HB 4229 (Bassi -Crotty)
Provides for issuance of Park District Youth Program license plates at an additional initial charge of $40 and an additional renewal charge of $27. Provides that $15 of the additional initial charge and $2 of the renewal charge shall go to the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund. Provides that $25 of the initial and renewal charges shall be deposited into the Park District Youth Program Fund, a special fund in the State Treasury for grants to Illinois park districts and recreation agencies providing

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Next Round of OSLAD and LWCF Grants

Local agencies interested in expanding or making needed improvements to local park and recreation facilities can apply May 1 through July 1 to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Grant Administration, for grant funding assistance through the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) and federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant programs.

The OSLAD/LWCF programs can provide up to 50 percent funding assistance for the acquisition and/or development of land for public park and outdoor recreation purposes. Grant awards up to a maximum of $750,000 for land acquisition and $400,000 for facility development and renovation are available. Grants are awarded based on written applications submitted to the Department by the July 1 deadline date.

For more information, contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Grant Administration, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL62702,, 217.782.9599 (fax), 217.782.7481 (phone) or on the IDNRWeb site, •

innovative after-school programming for Illinois youth. Last action: Calendar Order 3rd Reading Short Debate, 2-15-02.

Same as above. Last action: Assigned to Senate Transportation Committee, 2-27-02.

Public Funds
SB 1891 (Dillard)
Amends the Public Funds Investment Act. Authorizes public agencies to invest in certain obligations of the Federal National Mortgage Association and in certain money market funds that invest in those obligations. Last action: Referred to Senate Rules Committee, 2-6-02.


Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grants awarded this year exceeded $24,056,710 for both land acquisition and development. In total $19,113,960 was awarded for development projects. More than $4,942,750 was awarded for acquisition of more than 418 acres of open space.

Matched with local contributions, more than $48,113,420 was invested in recreational resources for Illinois citizens, all directly attributable to the OSLAD fund, an IAPD initiative.

Addison Park District
$400,000 to develop 17-acre Lake Manor Park on Lake Park Drive.

Arlington Heights Park District
$400,000 to replace the swimming pool and remodel the bathhouse in Frontier Park.

Bartlett Park District
$88,000 to construct a skateboard park at Apple Orchard Community Park on Steams Road.

Belvidere Park District
$228,400 to develop additional Facilities at Fridh Park.

Blue Island Park District
$375,000 to redevelop Memorial Park, a ten-acre site.

Bolingbrook Park District
$77,800 to acquire three residential lots that will provide a neighborhood park for the Heritage Heights subdivision.

Buffalo Grove Park District
$387,200 develop a 76-acre site on Buffalo Grove Road and Deerfield Parkway. Recreation elements include a playground and the community's first skate park.

Byron Park District
$62,200 to acquire a 9.023-acre parcel on Mill Road in northwest Byron.

Carol Stream Park District/DuPage County
$400,000 to develop Klein Creek Park and Trail, a 42-acre site on Route 64.

Champaign Park District
$257,400 to acquire 25.5 acres..

Chicago Park District
$400,000 to further develop Oakdale Park, a nine-acre site.

Chicago Park District
$400,000 to acquire 0.46 acres.

Chicago, City of
$948,510 the Lawndale Campus Park project will develop a 3.5-acre vacant site in Chicago's North Lawndale community.

Clyde Park District
$220,500 to redevelop North Warren Park.

Coloma Township Park District
$218,600 to redevelop Centennial Park. An existing pavilion will be renovated, and fencing will be replaced around existing ball diamonds.

Cook County Forest Preserve District
$1,150,000 to acquire 15 acres adjacent to Wolf Road Prairie.

Franklin Park Park District
$191,800 to develop James Park. Proposed features include a soccer field, sand volleyball court, water playground/spray pool, skate area, and a multi-age playground.

Glen Ellyn Park District
$175,000 to develop Churchill Park, including a trail system, picnic shelter, wetland and prairie plantings and interpretive signage.

Glenview Park District
$400,000 to redevelop Swenson Park, including a basketball court, soccer field, playground, a skate park, picnic shelter, in-line hockey court, a bike path and bike racks.

Gurnee Park District
$400,000 to develop a family aquatic center including a zero depth pool with an attached lap and competitive pool.

Hamilton Park District
$400,000 to construct a new municipal swimming pool and bath-house.

Hanover Park Park District
$400,000 to redevelop and add new facilities to Ranger Park.

Hazel Crest Park District
$24,000 to redevelop Lions Park.

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Hoffman Estates Park District
$138,600 to develop Princeton Neighborhood Park. Development includes a basketball half-court, sand volleyball, picnic shelter, multi-age playground.

Inverness Park District
$145,100 to develop additional facilities at South Park.

Joliet Park District
$400,000 to develop a 20-acre parcel for Joliet's Splash Station aquatic center.

Kankakee Valley Park District
$387,500 to develop additional facilities at 22.8-acre Bird Park.

Lake County Forest Preserve District
$400,000 to develop Rollins Savanna a 1,226-acre site along Mill Creek north of Grayslake.

Lan Oak Park District
$750,000 to acquire approximately 110 acres of open space to develop a golf course and community park.

McHenry County Conservation District
$268,600 to further develop Marengo Ridge, a 400-acre parcel.

Mt. Pulaski Township Park District
$326,000 to develop additional facilities at a 12-acre site.

Mundelein Park District
$400,000 to develop a four-acre aquatic playground area located an existing park on Midlothian Road.

Naperville Park District
$400,000 to develop 111th Street Park, an 80-acre community park withfive baseball/softball fields, an inline skating rink and multi-use path.

Northbrook Park District
$202,900 to develop a 14-acre parcel of property known as the Anetsberger site.

Oswegoland Park District
$282,900 to redevelop Hamilton Sports Fields.

Palatine Park District
$282,900 to redevelop Hamilton Sports Fields.

Peoria Park District
$225,000 to develop Becker Park, a 12.5-acre site located on Moliek Drive. Development includes woodland and prairie interpretive trails and signage.

Rockford Park District
$750,000 to acquire 38 acres to expand the Sportscore facility in northwest Rockford.

Rolling Meadows Park District
$78,400 to redevelop Cardinal Drive Park.

Sandwich Park District
$160,200 to develop Harvey Park Education Center.

Schaumburg Park District
$137,000 to develop Village in the Park including a tot lot, shelter building, pathway system and volleyball courts.

Springfield Park District
$120,000 to renovate the existing bathhouse at Veteran's Pool in northeast Springfield.

St. Charles Park District
$400,000 to develop phase II of 56-acre Eastside Sports Complex. New elements include a football/rugby/lacrosse field, a skate park and lighted soccer fields.

Taylorville Park District
$190,300 to renovate Manners Park swimming pool in southeast Taylorville.

Toluca Park District
$209,200 to develop Toluca Community Park. Development includes a baseball field, softball field and playground.

Tri-Township Park District
$367,100 to develop a 31-acre site in Troy.

Urbana Park District
$298,900 to acquire a 60-acre site. The new property will allow for district-wide soccer and ballfield expansion, and bicycle/pedestrian paths and parking.

Veteran's Park District
$113,200 to develop Willow and Herrick Park, a 1.3-acre mini-park in eastern Northlake.

Waterloo Park District
$124,000 to redevelop Konarcik Park includes a playground, pavilion, soccer and football fields.

Westmont Park District
$340,000 to develop Bellerive Park, a 7.6-acre site with soccer fields, a skate park, playground and picnic shelter.

Will County Forest Preserve District
to develop Konicek Grove, including a group shelter, drinking fountain and an interpretive trail with signage.


• The President's fiscal year 2003 budget request includes $200 million from the Land and Water Conservation fund for state/local matching grants. However, the request proposes to earmark $50 million for a "cooperative conservation program." The initiative would provide "competitively awarded" grants to state and local communities for "restoration, protection, and enhancement of natural areas." Projects would be approved by the Secretary of the Interior from among state recommendations. No funds were recommended for the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program, however, Congress funded UPARR for FY02 at $30 million.

• Let your lawmaker know that Congress should appropriate not less than $200 million for LWCF assistance for FY 2003. It should reject proposals for executive branch earmarking of appropriated funds for specific types of projects and secretarial project selection. Congress also should appropriate not less than $30 million forUPARR.

Go to the Library of Congress Web site to find Thomas, a searchable database of all current federal legislation. The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution. It preserves a collection of nearly 121 million items, including the largest map, film and television collections in the world. In addition to its primary mission of serving the research needs of the U.S. Congress, the Library serves all Americans through its popular Web site and in its 22 reading rooms. •

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