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William J. M. Wald
IPRA Chief Executive Officer


Half-Way Through 2006... 110% Full Steam Ahead

We are half way through the year, and I couldn't be more excited about what has taken shape so far. At the beginning of the year we announced our strategic plan for 2006/2007, and without a doubt we are excelling at every area we intended to cover.

The strategic plan, as approved by the IPRA Board of Directors, is a continuously updated document that provides a clear direction for the work of the association. The strategic plan directs the staff to support the board as it makes decisions regarding organizational direction, budget and program priorities.

Its core direction follows the mission and values of the association while working towards enhancing and improving programs and services for the membership. I must applaud my staff for going above and beyond - thinking outside the box -while being fiscally responsible.

The value of membership in IPRA has never been so important, and the strategic plan has assisted in enhancing your experience as a park and recreation professional and as a member of IPRA.

I'd like to share with you a few of the outcomes that have taken place so far this year and some of the projects we are currently working on.

Goal: Education

Optimize and provide quality educational programs on a variety of topics related to the diverse career area of each park and recreation professional and citizen.

This past spring was a busy time for IPRA and its members when it came to education. This year was the first time IPRA offered its Spring Training line up of educational workshops. The Spring Training was designed to package several of our regularly scheduled offerings, such as the Aquatic Facility Operator and National Playground Safety Institute certification courses, along with some wonderful new workshops. Renowned professional speaker Ruby Newell-Legner graced an enthusiastic crowd at the Bensenville Park District for the three-day Train the Trainer workshop. Also new was the Revenue Diversification workshop held at the Oakbrook Park District, which was presented by park and recreation legend Jerry Handlon and Paul Amundson.

Combining educational offerings, as we did for the Spring Training, gave members the chance to plan ahead and gain valuable CEUs in preparation for this year's certification renewal. A fall line up is being planned right now with such exciting topics as: creative programming, risk management for elected officials, managing your parks crew, business plans, project management and more.

As a benefit to our professional and commercial members, IPRA is in the midst of planning monthly Lunch 'n Learn dates, designed to foster personal growth. Everyone will have an opportunity to learn about the businesses and services of some of our most important business partners while enjoying a great lunch. Topics could range from refinancing your home to family planning. The point is to further our membership's learning for those times you're not actually at work or thinking about work.

Goal: Membership

Expand membership outside the initial park and recreation environment with quality services while providing quality volunteer training and education.
As membership dues represent only 34 percent of the total IPRA operating budget, we are working to expand membership beyond the traditional park and recreation environment by emphasizing the value of membership in IPRA.

Recruiting outside organizations and those involved with them is something we are taking very seriously, thus we are taking our time to do it right. The value of IPRA is there, its apparent, but now it's a matter of packaging it in a way that can be sold to others beyond the park districts, conservation agencies and forest preserves.

We are in the process of developing brand new "welcome kits" that will reiterate the core benefits of membership in IPRA -the Four Pillars of Advancement: education, resources, networking and certification. Concentrating on these four pillars that will advance your career is how IPRA plans to emphasize the value of membership.

Section leadership training is also a key component of

July/August 2006 page 8

strengthening the membership experience. Without strong leaders who follow in the footsteps and see the vision and future of IPRA, your membership experience will not live up to your high expectations. Training sessions for section and committee leaders have taken place and more will be coming. We take great pride in having such wonderful volunteers who enjoy their chosen career and the association to which they belong. Now it's a matter of getting everyone on the same page - a united front - so we can all move in the same direction.

Goal: Communication and Marketing

Provide a direct and concise brand for the association while communicating the value of membership through all media.

This is an area of great change compared to even a couple of years ago. IPRA has taken its communication with its members and affiliates to the next level in terms of how we are actually getting the word out. Yet, I still here from some members that they don't know what's going on with IPRA.

The communication study conducted in 2003 showed that more than 90 percent of IPRA members have access to - and use - the Internet and e-mail at work. During the past year and a half, IPRA has put considerable effort into its Web site and electronic forms of communication.

It is fiscally responsible for IPRA to use the more efficient and effective communication tools we have to work with. If you want to know what's going on with IPRA, you can turn to the Web site at There you will find news stories on the main page pulled directly from the interactive weblog called The Blog Spot ( At the site you can access our monthly eNewsletters that are sent out to more than 3,000 subscribers who read and click through to stories about IPRA, the field, trends and more. You also can listen to our relatively new podcast "radio" shows, which feature members of IPRA talking about events and happenings. And you can access our e-mail-based listserves so you can e-mail questions, event reminders and general news to like-minded IPRA members.

Not only are we getting the word out in a less expensive way, but we are also able to communicate with our members more often and in a more targeted way. Long gone are the days of monthly bulk-mailings that were out-of-date as soon as you received them. We urge you to get online and join us as we advance into the future.

Goal: Technology

Provide internal and external technological advancements that will enhance and support resources for the members and staff in order to provide and receive quality service through the association.

Back in May, IPRA launched a new service to its members and those looking to break into the field of parks and recreation. Created and developed completely in-house, the redesigned park & rec JOBS section of the IPRA Web site now features "resume builder" functionality.

Already one of the most popular areas of IPRA's Web site, which receives over a million hits per month, the ability for members, students and the general public to post resumes online was welcomed with open arms. After the first couple weeks, more than 200 resumes were posted. Agencies who had posted jobs online could opt to search and view potential candidates' resumes online, essentially pinpointing qualified candidates without having to sift through hundreds of resumes.

Posting a resume online is free for everyone. Applying for jobs online is now as easy as a click of a button and your saved cover letter and resume is e-mailed to the hiring agency. Whether you are a student recently out of school looking for your first job, new to the field and trying to find your niche, or wanting to make a career move to climb the ladder, IPRA's park & rec JOBS section is the place to go to post your resume and search for jobs.

Goal: Operations

Provide clear direction on the internal and external operations of the association in order to strengthen the current and future operational policies and procedures in a fair and consistent manner.

The Governance Task Force is attending meetings of various IPRA sections and affiliates in order to gauge feedback from the membership regarding a proposed change in IPRA's governance structure. There is a possibility of reducing the number of people on the IPRA Board of Directors from 21 to 12 members. The visits and research by the Governance Task Force will continue throughout 2006 with possible changes recommended to the Board of Directors in late fall.

Do It For You. Do It For Your Community

Behind every great community lies a great park and recreation agency. We, the professionals, are the ones that advocate the benefits of everything we do and everything we believe in. Use the Four Pillars of IPRA Advancement: education, networking, resources and certification opportunities to advance your career and your community.

The past couple years have been filled with changes for IPRA. Join us as we move forward. Join us as we advance. Join IPRA for YOU. Thank you for supporting IPRA and the mission we have set forth to be the preeminent park and recreation association for the working professional. July/August 2006 9

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