Symms Act), Recreational Trails Program funds are available for construction and maintenance of recreational trails for both motorized and non-motorized uses.
Program funds are now guaranteed through "contract authority" like funding for most other highway programs (including Enhancements). This means that funds are automatically released each year without congressional approval.
Funding will increase to $270 million over six years: $30 million in FY98, $40 million in FY99 and $50 million in each of the remaining years. However, 50% of funds may be transferred to other highway programs by individual states.
National Scenic Byways
TEA-2 1 increases funds from $80 million under ISTEA to $148 million for state grants and technical assistance to develop programs and fund projects along designated national and state scenic byways and All-American Roads.
Transit Enhancements Program
Transit agencies in urban areas with populations exceeding 200,000 are required to spend 1 percent of federal transit funds for Transit Enhancements.
Eligible activities include historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic mass transit facilities, landscaping and scenic beautification, bicycle and pedestrian access to transit stations, enhanced transit access for persons with disabilities and transit connections to parks within the transit service area.
Bicycle and Pedestrian-Friendly
Provisions Sidewalk improvements to comply with the Americans with Disability Act are specifically made eligible for highway funds.
The law directs that "bicyclists and pedestrians shall be given due consideration in comprehensive transportation plans" developed at the local and state level. Also: "bike/ped facilities should be considered in conjunction with all new construction or reconstruction of transportation facilities."