Illinois Parks & Recreation
Volume 29, Number 4. July/August 1998


2,000 middle-school-age audience members and at various other conferences and events.

The Risk Takers Prevention Theatre Troupe gained national recognition at the 1997 National Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress. The Dorothy Mullen National Arts and Humanities Award (for communities with populations of 25,001 to 74,999) was presented to the park district for its innovation and excellence in the arts and humanities. The Risk Takers Prevention Theatre Troupe was also recently selected to be listed as a model arts program in Building America's Communities II: A Compendium of Arts and Community Development Programs, a publication of Americans for the Arts and the Institute for Community Development and the Arts.

Originally conceived as a middle school program, some participants desired to remain in the group after graduating into high school. Given the goals of the program, this seemed wise and they were allowed to stay. Beginning in the fall of 1998, the program will assume a high school component.

Teen Advisory Committee
The Teen Advisory Committee evolved from a pilot project funded in 1996 by the National Recreation Foundation. The committee consists of 15 middle and high school youth representatives who meet regularly to plan recreational, social and community related activities and facilitate numerous activities such as dances, activity nights, college

Photo: Champaign Park District's award-winning Risk Takers Prevention Theatre Troupe. (Photo by Tammy Thomas Paul.)

Major Milestones in 'he Development of Champaign's tax-based Youth Program

  • Parent volunteer founds Risk Takers Prevention Theatre Troupe at Champaign's Edison Middle School (Spring 1995)

  • Champaign Park District and Champaign Safe Drug Free Schools co-sponsor and expand Risk Takers Program (Fall 1995)

  • District receives grant from National Recreation Foundation to assist in supporting an At Risk Youth six month pilot program (Spring 1995)

  • Staff members visit Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library Department on an investigative tour of its Youth At Risk Division (Spring 1996)

  • District designates focus group to study current programs and discuss future needs (Spring 1996)

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Leisure Studies conducts evaluation of the Youth At Risk Pilot Program (Summer 1996)

  • Funding for pilot program ends (Fall 1996)

  • District receives Project 18's 1996 Champaign County Community Report Card (Winter 1996)

  • District designates funds to continue pilot program on a limited basis (Spring 1997)

  • District receives second grant from the National Recreation Foundation to continue the pilot program (Spring 1997)

  • District uses statistics from Report to lobby to match grant funds with tax dollars to support pilot program and temporary full-time youth position (Summer 1997)

  • District designates tax funds to fully support youth program and a regular full-time youth position (Spring 1998)

  • District and Champaign Safe Drug Free Schools increase their co-sponsorship of Risk Takers Prevention Theatre Troupe Program and expand it to a high-school component (Spring 1998)
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